How much like me are you??

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Look, here's the deal kid, are you like me or not? Cause if you are like me, you'll know by the end of this quiz. If you're not, you'll know by the end of this quiz. Pretty simple, Just like you!! (I mean you're pretty :3)

This quiz takes meticulously crafted questions to determine your 100% accurate answer. So, go on. SHOO. Nothing to see here... I SAID NOTHING!!!why are you still reading this..?

Created by: McDoodleFarting
  1. Okay, first up, are you a boy or girl?
  2. Describe your taste in bears with three words:
  3. Fav color?
  4. What music do you vibe with?
  5. 11
  6. Do you have braces?
  7. Do you have seeing problems??
  8. A train is leaving Belleville at 45 mph and a commercial airplane is going to land on the runaway 2 inches away from the train station at 2:30 PM, if the train leaves at 1:29 PM - Do you have a strong love of puppies?
  9. Would you rather eat pineapple on pizza or starve?
  10. Last question; Do you love Jesus??

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Quiz topic: How much like me am I??

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