How much invader Zim do u know?

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Don’t take thing like this serious just be yourself ( I’m not saying don’t try I’m saying be yourself and have fun and just be like you!) other than that I’ll take to the next page thing

Alight hello everyone who reads these thing ( I’m not sure many people do…) anyways this is about inveder Zim and how much you are a fan and how much you watch the show!

Created by: Alex
  1. Finish the sentence, gir I have your “____”! Gimme no “__” I need or else I will “__________”!
  2. What is Gir’s costume?
  3. What is Zim’s shirt look like?
  4. What color is gaz’s hair?
  5. What does dib believe in?
  6. What does gaz hate?
  7. What is Zim’s skin color
  8. What does dib’s dad do?
  9. Last thing! Bye!
  10. Sorry one more thing.. What is ur fav color!?!?

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