how much fun are you?

There are so many fun people out there. If you have what it takes to show us your fun side then this quiz is for you. We like to know what kind of fun you are. I know that fun is all you make it out to be and what you like to do. So party on and make this the most fun you have ever had!

Are you fun? Well take this time to find out how much fun you are? You are the only one to tell. You know what you do and how you do it but now is the time to share with us how much fun you are. You may be the most fun we know of but let's find out!

Created by: trulena
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like to go out with friends?
  2. Have you gotten so drunk you forgot where you parked?
  3. Where are your car keys?
  4. where did you go last weekend?
  5. who do you usually party with?
  6. Do you drink alot?
  7. what's your favorite sport
  8. which is more fun to hang out with?
  9. What's your sign?
  10. What's your body type?

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Quiz topic: How much fun am I?