How much does your girl love you?

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Girls can be hard to handle sometimes, but most of the time they only mean good by it ^_^ If you got a bad score, then im sorry, but you really need to improve~

If you got a good score, good job! She loves ya! you should really charish her and never let her go, really. If she only uses you for money or sex, then break up w/ her right now =_=

Created by: Yuuki
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you hang out often?
  2. How does she act around you?
  3. How well does she know you?
  4. How did you meet?
  5. Do you wish she loves you alot?
  6. does she derp?
  7. hi?
  8. do you derp?
  9. I ___ her
  10. uyhdfehbfnduenhfduie

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Quiz topic: How much does my girl love you?