how much does your friend like you

some people love their friends, and their friends love them back, so I made this quiz to see how much people love their friends, and how much their friends love them back.

some people like their friends, and their friends like them back, so I made this quiz to see how much people's friendships are true, so enjoy this quiz!

Created by: Maya
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you equal partners in your friendship
  2. do you and your friend usually agree on things
  3. do you ever brag to your friend
  4. do you like the same stuff (ex:books,fads,movies)
  5. do you mostly talk about you or your friend
  6. has your friend ever dumped you
  7. do you and your friend spend time together
  8. have you ever called your friend a bad name
  9. do you truly love your friend
  10. if you tell your friend to take this quiz, then she will see how much she likes you

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Quiz topic: How much does my friend like you