How much does your boyfriend like you?

Do YOU have boyfriend problems? Well this test is to see if he likes you or not. So if you think your boyfriend is cheating COME RIGHT ON AND TAKE THIS QUIZ!

You should really take my test if your dating and your boyfriend is uncomfortable around you! IF he acts that way then he is either cheating on you OR he HATES you!

Created by: Billy Bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many times a day does your boyfriend call you?
  2. How often do you see him outside of school, work, or college everyday?
  3. Does he hang out with other girls?
  4. If you guys have sleepovers and he leaves to go to the store or anything else how long does it take him?
  5. I can't think of any right now so choose an answer
  6. Does he ever smile at you?
  7. How many times does he kiss you?
  8. does he ever hug you?
  9. does he ever watch you or stare at you when he smiles?
  10. does he ever look you in the eye and say how much he loves you?
  11. does he act weird around you?
  12. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much does my boyfriend like you?