How Much Do Your Parents Love You?

This is 100% accurate. Made by me, QuestionMark3 (aka ???) and my friend The1truth (aka The truth). We make the most accurate quizzes that exist. So be aware that each question is important.

Please don't take this offensively if you don't get what you would like to hear, but instead think practically. The answer you get is accurate and true, so don't hate on this quiz.

Created by: QuestionMark3
  1. How do your parents act around you?
  2. Do your parents ask you how your day was?
  3. How do you usually wake up in the morning?
  4. How often do you argue with your parents?
  5. What do you think of your parents?
  6. How often do you make your own breakfast?
  7. When did you learn to take a shower?
  8. How do you do in school?
  9. How did you find out about GoToQuiz?
  10. How many friends do you have?

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Quiz topic: How Much Do my Parents Love You?
