How Much Do you Love Horses?

Lots of people love horses. I do. They are very wonderfull animals. And true friends. I wonder if you like them. I do. I think I said that before. :):)

Are you a horse lover? Or do you just like them? Do you think this quiz is boring? Find today! Just take this quiz! Hope you like it! I enoyed making it.

Created by: Ella

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You Have Ridden a Horse.
  2. You Want a Horse.
  3. You have model horses.
  4. You read lots of horse books. (or would if you had the time!)
  5. Are you bored yet?
  6. Now,What is a Trot?
  7. If I went on and one about horses would you like that?
  8. Okay what is a paint horse?
  9. You are Bored of horse back riding, What do you do.
  10. How much longer?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Love Horses?