How much do you like worms?

I am a worm I don't know how to make quizzes I just want to share my worminess and see who my fellow worms are on this good christian minecraft server

I am still just a worm. I would like to see who likes worms and who needs to be put on the hitlist. If you don't like worms I do not like you lalalalala words

Created by: Worm
  1. Do you think worms are cool?
  2. Are worms cool?
  3. What is the coolest thing ever?
  4. Do you like worms?
  5. Who owns the account Worm?
  6. Are all worms amazing and awesome!
  7. How much do you think you will like worms?
  8. Do you want to be a worm?
  9. Worm?
  10. will you like, comment, and subscribe?

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Quiz topic: How much do I like worms?
