How Much Do You Like Tickling?

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Hi guys! This is my fourth quiz: "How much do you like tickling?". it's time to find out if you truly love tickling or not. I'm trying to add more questions to my quizzes so if you think of a good one, go ahead and tell me.

I am also changing my name, so just don't be confused if you see TickleToesQuizzes instead of Quizmaker7 now. Anyway I hope you like the quiz and don't forget to comment. Thanks, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: TickleToesQuizzes
  1. First of all, do you have a foot fetish? (An attraction to feet)
  2. How many of these people would you tickle? (Pick the one you'd be most hesitant to, but still would tickle)
  3. How many foot sizes are you comfortable tickling?
  4. When you walk into your partner's room, they're laying down on their stomach on the bed, they are looking at their phone. You are at the back of the bed by their bare feet, what do you do?
  5. You and your best friends are sitting at a table, when no one's looking, you slip under the tablecloth. In this scenario, you have 4 best friends, two are boys, and two are girls. One of the girls is wearing socks one is barefoot, same for the boys, which one do you tickle?
  6. How many times a week do you tickle people on average?
  7. You and your friends are hanging out at your house, you decide to gang up and tickle one of them. How long do you wish to tickle them?
  8. Are you the tickler or the ticklee more?
  9. If you asked to tickle someone and they said no, would you still tickle them?
  10. What is your main goal in tickling?
  11. You arrive at the beach and find a stranger buried in the sand, only their head and bare feet visible. They ask you for help, what do you do?
  12. You come back the next day to meet up with your best friend, but when you get there, you find them asleep sunbathing. They are wearing velcro sandals, their arms are resting by their sides. (If it's a girl, they're wearing a bikini, otherwise they have no shirt on) What do you do?
  13. A friend of yours asks you to hold their arms down above their head while they do leg raises for their workout, what do you do?
  14. What would be your favorite tool to tickle my feet with?
  15. What would be your favorite tool to tickle my belly with?
  16. What would be your favorite tool to tickle my armpits with?
  17. If given permission, would you tickle a celebrity?
  18. You and your friends gang up again, but this time you have a different target, and they're sitting on the bed. How do you tickle them?
  19. I hope you enjoyed this quiz! A comment or rating would mean a lot to me, but don't feel like you have to. Thanks!

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Like Tickling?

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