How much do you like the hunger games?

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This is a quiz I created to test your basic trivia on the hunger games trilogy. Please play if you think you have what it takes! Its only 10 questions and won't take long.

I love the trilogy personally, and would love for you to take this quiz! See if you know as much as I do and out your knowledge to the test!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: MEEE!
  1. How many times did Katniss put her name in the reaping bowl?
  2. How many times did Gale put his name into the reaping bowl?
  3. What ear did Katniss become deaf in in her first games?
  4. Which body(s) part do Avoxes have cut off?
  5. What nickname does Katniss give Prim?
  6. What does Katniss get at the cornucopia in the 1st games?
  7. How does Katniss know how to swim?
  8. How did her father die?
  9. Who gives Katniss the Mockingjay pin?
  10. What was the period in Panem after the failed District rebellion known as?

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Quiz topic: How much do I like the hunger games?
