How Much Do You Like Furbys?

Hey! So, this is my furby quiz! Its about if you like furbys! So please like this quiz! Also rate? I also might do another quiz about hair! Idk. Btw, I'm using my dsi xL. Lol. So yeah and if you take this quiz, you should like furbys!

So, do you REALLY like furbys? Take the quiz to see if you like furbys. Don't take your score seriously because a quiz isn't always right! So, don't be mad if you don't get the score you want! So yeah I'm probably boring you to death! Kay... Good luck!

Created by: heather
  1. So, do you know what furbys are?
  2. Okay, do you like them.
  3. Do you have any furbys?
  4. Okay, so... What's your fav colour?
  5. So, do you want a furby?
  6. If so, what colour?
  7. I'm bored
  8. Did you know you can buy furby clothes?
  9. Do you like Easter?
  10. This is over, bye!!

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