How much do you know Warriors?

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If you like Warriors, then looky here, you found the right quiz! This quiz is about the Warriors Series! There are 10 questions and to find if you are a true warrior, answer all the questions!

This quiz took, i dunno, a good 30 minutes to make so please actually be serious instead of joke around! I'll be making more Warrior Cats quizzes in the future and more other quizzes! :)

Created by: Goldpelt286
  1. How many mates did Crowfeather have?
  2. In what book is the Fire Scene (Ashfur, Squirrelflight, the three, etc.)
  3. How did Crookedstar get his name?
  4. Who was Firestar's first love?
  5. Who DIDN"T die because of Tigerstar?
  6. Who was Bluestar's mate?
  7. Which of these cats are Firestar's kin?
  8. Which prey do Skyclan cats specify in hunting?
  9. Which name was gonna be Tigerstar's original name?
  10. Which leaders are of RiverClan?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Warriors?
