How much do you know Vietnamese?

You may think you know a lot of Vietnamese, but take this test to know if you really understand it or not without the accent marks! :) Just try your best!

Do it do it do it! If you know Vietnamese, then take this test! lets see how good you are with Vietnamese as you are with English, if you understand this test!

Created by: Mary
  1. How you do say hello in Vietnamese?
  2. Out of 6 of these, which one is NOT a number?
  3. How to say what are you doing in Vietnamese? (Sorry if I spell any of these wrong BTW)
  4. How do you say "no"?
  5. What is a type of Vietnamese food?
  6. Which one means body parts?
  7. What do you call a chair in Vietnamese?
  8. What do you call "plane" in Vietnamese?
  9. Which one of these is a place in Vietnam?
  10. What does "cam on chi" mean?
  11. How to say goodbye in Vietnamese?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Vietnamese?