How much do you know the trap house

Hey if your a trap house/ Sam, Colby, Jake, Corey, Aaron, Elton fan then this is the quiz for you. Sams channel is Sam golbach. Colby’s channel is Colby Brock. There duo channel is Sam and Colby.

This quiz basically explains how often or not you watch them. Good luck. Jakes channel is Jake Webber. Corey’s channel is Corey sherer. Aaron’s channel is Aaron doh. Elton’s channel is Tfil.

Created by: Valeria Marroquin
  1. Who is the oldest one of the trap house
  2. Who has more subscribers
  3. Who has Colby known longer
  4. Who’s the funniest (multi answer)
  5. What color eye are Colby eyes
  6. Who has a duo channel
  7. What is Corey, Elton, Sam, Colby collab channel named
  8. Have Sam and Colby gone on tour?
  9. What do sam and Colby do on there duo channel
  10. How long did they live in the “Trap House”

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Quiz topic: How much do I know the trap house
