How much do you know the Simpsons?

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This quiz will tell u about how much u know the simpsons and it's not hard unless u like never watched the simpsons before. This quiz is a time also for u find out ur knowledge about the simpsons

Also this quiz is just fun and it's something to do if ur bored and need something to do. Basically I couldn't find any other quizzes so I just wanted to make one of my own.

Created by: nikirinio
  1. Who shot Mr Burns?
  2. What is the Bart's dogs' name?
  3. What is the groundskeeper's name at Springfield Elementary?
  4. Who is Bart's best friend?
  5. What instrument does Lisa play?
  6. What is the cartoon called that Bart and Lisa watch all the time?
  7. What is the cat's name
  8. Do u like this quiz? Also this won't change ur results
  9. : What was the most innapropiate part in the Simpsons movie?
  10. Why r u doing this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know the Simpsons?
