How much do you know Selena Gomez?

Their are many geniuses but u al suck please rate good. Or else DX ok bye have fun enjoy suckers! WE like you so much for rating suckers! bye bye bye bye bye bye

Are you a sucker find out.(the answer is YES) no matter what. he he he he enjoy by the way my favourite word is suckers suckers. he he bye every suckers out there.

Created by: Breanna and Davina
  1. What is Selena Gomez's middle name?
  2. Is Selena Gomez currently dating Justin Bieber?
  3. What movies are Selena gomez in?
  4. What is Selena Gomezs birthday?
  5. Who is Selena Gomez's closest friend?
  6. When is Selena Gomez going to die?
  7. What is Selena Gomezs favourite colour?
  8. What is Selena Gomez's favourite food?
  9. What is Selena Gomez's favourite band?
  10. What is Selena Gomez's favourite Subject in school?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Selena Gomez?