How much do you know rod torque redline?

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You might know Rod Torque Redline from cars 2. But this quiz is gonna test your knowledge about him. Have Loads of fun. I created this quiz because Rod is my favorite character from cars 2. GOOD LUCK!

Do you REALLY know Rod Torque Redline? Take this quiz to find out. I am a REALLY big fan myself. Lets test to see if you are one. Have Loads and loads of fun.

Created by: Drewsilla

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What type of car is Rod Torque Redline?
  2. What 2 colors is Rod Torque Redline?
  3. What does his license plate say?
  4. Where is Rod from? (Found on license plate)
  5. How did Rod Die?
  6. True or False: He had lots of markings that said G4DXR
  7. Who was Rod's voice actor?
  8. True or False: Rod is a british spy
  9. Rod is a mix between what two cars?
  10. This quiz is over. Will you comment and Rate?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know rod torque redline?