How much do you know mr.mangaka

Take this quiz for a chance to get a free drawing . People who i don't know or they don't know me don't have the right to ask for the prize sorry . ..

This quiz contain question about me and a little about my artist side . Don't take things seriously. Enjoy ( u can send your results to me in wtsp ....)

Created by: Ayoub
  1. My birthday is
  2. What is my favorite food from this list
  3. How old i am
  4. What do i desire the most ?
  5. What is my fav song ?
  6. What do i hate the most
  7. What social platform am more active at ?
  8. What type of art tools i use mostly (traditional art )
  9. What is my favorite anime
  10. What kind of pets i love ?
  11. My favorite color from this list
  12. What type of girl i like
  13. What kind of guys i like (I mostly like all of them . Just what do i prefer)

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Quiz topic: How much do I know mr.mangaka
