How much do you know Joel Faviere

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There are many stalkers but not true stalkers. This is test to see if you stalk someone or not. Enjoy!!>w< I really hope that you enjoy the test . K Bai>w

I just made this quiz out of bordom and crap. so i really hate having to type two paragraphs. And ppl plz dont get offended by this. I just used this off of rumors i hurd. ~K Bai!!

Created by: jade
  1. What is Joel Faviere's Middle name?
  2. What is Joel Faviere's brothers name?
  3. What is one of the songs Joel wished he could do over?
  4. Where does Joel live?
  5. What is Joel Faviere's phone#?
  6. Does Joel Faviere smoke?
  7. When is Joel Faviere's birthday?
  8. If you got a 100 or 90% did you know that you are a stalker?
  9. What colour is Joel Faviere's house?
  10. Does Joel Faviere have a website?
  11. Who said this quote? A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. ~_________

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Joel Faviere