How much do you know Hydro Thunder Hurricane?

This is a quiz/test E.C.T of how much you know about Hydro Thunder Hurricane! (HTH) So get ready! 3 2 1 GO GO GO! *Introduction music plays in background*

Ok get the demo for free if you liked the quiz even though you may haven't even started this quiz yet but pls get it if u like the Riptide GP games. Its similar to them.

Created by: Access Denied
  1. What was the first boat called?
  2. What genre-like thing is the game?
  3. What is the Demo-only map?
  4. QuizzesonGoToQuiz.comrequire10to60questions.Gotit! How many boats are there? (I don't know)
  5. QuizzesonGoToQuiz.comrequire10to60questions.Gotit! What is the boat with the skin called something like "Worn up"?
  6. QuizzesonGoToQuiz.comrequire10to60questions.Gotit! What boat has the skin called "Solid Gold"
  7. I want gold how to get gold
  8. I liek trians
  9. I want sonic
  10. Give me advice how to jump
  11. Maybe get g** or something with this game
  12. random question: how to buy game without purchasing

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Hydro Thunder Hurricane?
