How much do you know Five Nights at Freddy's?

Do you know a lot about Five Nights at Freddy's? There are a lot of smart people. It took me about an hour to make it. It took a long time to think of 10 questions.

Are you a genius? Try my quiz. It will test you. Do you have what it takes to beat my quiz? It will only take a few minutes to find out if you know a lot.

Created by: Drake
  1. Which one of these has a microphone?
  2. Which animatronic can run?
  3. Who is also known as yellow bear?
  4. Which night does it seem that the Phone Guy dies?
  5. What happens when you stop winding up the music box?
  6. What happens when you run out of power?
  7. Which one is a bunny?
  8. Which one is a pirate?
  9. Where does Mangle start at?
  10. What color is toy bonnie?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Five Nights at Freddy's?