How Much Do You Know Descendants 2 ?

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Hola Quizzers !Think you are a True Descendants 2 Fan ??? Well, find out in this Quiz ! Let the Truth come out with only 5 questions !!! ? Have Fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Keertivagini Suresh
  1. What did Mal call Uma when they were young?
  2. What ability does Uma have
  3. Who is Uma's First Mate ?
  4. What is the first song the VKs sang ?
  5. What is the last song they sang ?
  6. What color did Mal dye her hair in the beginning of the movie
  7. Uma is the daughter of ...?
  8. What color is Mal's eyes ?
  9. What color is Uma's hair ?
  10. What is The first song Uma sings ?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know Descendants 2 ?
