How much do you know cartoons

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My quiz is more for fun than for being a gunius. It was very fun to make and I hope it's fun to play. I must confess most of the questions are very easy.

But if it's hard in some way ;some how; I just hope you get through it alive. Hahaha, so.... Yeah.... You know I'm just going to let you see your self.

Created by: Pinkis cupcake
  1. In the episode of Adventure Time- Dad's Dungeon. What did joshua (aka) jack' dad say to the Demond kee-oth to make him go away?
  2. In amazing world of gumball is Darwin a pet of a brother?
  3. In Steven universe what was Stevens favorite discontinued snack?
  4. Ok so I know this is really easy but, who is shaggys BFF in the show scooby-doo?
  5. Why dose Donny have to be a jerk on the show adventure time?
  7. Who's your fave character off of teenage muntent ninja turtle is? Michelangelo is my fave!!
  8. Ok you guy I was hoping this didn't happen but...(sniff, sniff) it's the end of my quiz!!😥
  9. Just kidding!! Ok how did all the main characters on my little pony get their cutie marks?
  10. Do an awesome victory gruve cause we ally have one question left!!

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Quiz topic: How much do I know cartoons