How much do you know Avatar:The last airbender???????????

Ok, here we go. ARE WE ROLLING? Crew: YEA Me: OK Long ago I and my EXTREMELY sexist brother Sokka got married I married some powerful bender named aang we always made out and had no time for our kids the end

Hello, my ame is Sokka I married a girl named suki we always made out never let go of each other we shower together m from water tribes shes from the earth king and Kyoshi and I love her. the end

Created by: Lava bender
  1. Who did Sokka marry?
  2. Who is aang?
  3. Who did Zuko marry?
  4. Who do people believe Korra married.
  5. Who did toph secondly marry?
  6. In LOK what is the most used bending art?
  7. Who is the Bloodbending master that nearly KILLED aang?
  8. Who joined the team avatar?
  9. What animal did prince wu use to escape kuvira's premises?
  10. Really dude REALLY

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Avatar:The last airbender???????????

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