How much do you know abuot PVC dolphins?

I know lots of people at my swim team. But none of them has written something like this! We know a lot about PVC since we are at it! I mean, could you.......

Do you know so much about PVC dolphins? Do you know so much that you can crack the quiz? Well, if you take it, good luck! This quiz is really not easy!

Created by: Enakshi
  1. Lets start with the basic question. Do you know PVC dolphins league champions swim club?
  2. Did Pvc dolphins win last year?
  3. What new coach joined the swim this year?
  4. Did Coach Arjay ever swim at PVC?
  5. What is the name of the former coach and the side coach?
  6. Do other teams swim against Pvc?
  7. What is the name of the the last meet?
  8. How old was coach Arjay is you guessed he swam before going somewhere else?
  9. Last question.
  10. Rate or comment?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know abuot PVC dolphins?