How Much Do You Know About Zendaya?

Zendaya...a name we should all have heard about. She's amazing, talented and REALLY cool, trust me xD who is Zendaya? If you don't know who she is, take this quiz anyway (:

Are YOU a Zendaya fannn?! Do you know enough about her to be her ultimate no 1 fan? Well, you won't be able to find out until you take this quiz and find out...take this quiz NOW!

Created by: Olivia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Zendaya's surname?
  2. What does Zendaya star on (TV)?
  3. When is Zendaya's birthday?
  4. Who is Zendaya's best friend?
  5. What is Zendaya's favourite nickname?
  6. What is Zendaya's new solo single called?
  7. What is Zendaya's new duet single called?
  8. What was Zendaya meant to become?
  9. What are Zendaya's main professions?
  10. Finally...what do you think of Zendaya?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Zendaya?