How much do you know about Wings of Fire?

This quiz will show you how much you know about Wings of Fire. The questions will range from all of the different books, up to book 14. I include questions linking to mainly Pyrrhia but I think one Pantalan question too.

Don't worry if you get some wrong: failure helps you learn! Do your best, and you'll do well (sorry if that sounded like I care too much; I'm a caring person :/ )

Created by: Edith
  1. What is the name of the continent where seven of the ten dragon tribes live?
  2. Who's point of view is the third book (in the first arc) from?
  3. What is the name of Wren (from Dragonslayer)'s pet dragon?
  4. In the last book, The Dangerous Gift, who broke Animus Magic?
  5. How do dragons on Pyrrhia count years?
  6. Who are Queen Coral's three daughters?
  7. What are the three dragon tribes that live on Pyrrhia?
  8. True or false: Can Moonwatcher the Nightwing read minds?
  9. What did Queen Snowfall do to the Great Ice Wall and to the Gift of Order?
  10. How many moons does Pyrrhia have?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Wings of Fire?
