How Much Do You Know About Warriors Power of Three?

Hi guys! So, I know that my title says Power of Three, but I’m also just gonna throw in the book after that, The Fourth Apprentice, to. So yeah. Have fun!

Also, before you begin, I’d like to thank everyone who has been taking my quizzes. Two of my quizzes, “How Much Do You Know About Legends Darkstalker?” and my most recent, “ Which One of My Warriors OCs Are You(girl results only)?” have both made it to the front page, each of them once! I’m so proud. so thank you you all. It really means a lot to me! Now, go take the quiz, and make my dreams come true! Thanx!

Created by: Jewel the Powerbrid
  1. Who are Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather’s fake parents?
  2. Who are their real parents?
  3. What power does Lionblaze have?
  4. What power does Hollyleaf have?
  5. What power does Jayfeather have?
  6. What power does Dovepaw( becomes Dovewing) have?
  7. Leadership and Deputy quizzing time! Who is the ThunderClan leader?
  8. Who is the ThunderClan deputy?
  9. Why was the lake empty?
  10. Last one! How are Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather connected to Firestar?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Warriors Power of Three?
