How much do you know about Warriors?

Lots PPL read Warriors, but what are FANS of Warriors? Fans are PPL who always crowd around something, And like super duper duper love, love, love, love something.

Are you a true Warriors fan? Do you read the fifty Warrior books?? Do you even know what Warriors is?? CAN YOU JUST HURRY UP AND DO THIS QUIZ??? Well in this quiz you will find out if your worthy enough to be called a fan.

Created by: Janybananas

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What was Firestar`s kittypet name?
  2. How did Bluestar die?
  3. What rank did Firestar become when he became a part of Thunderclan?
  4. Who DID Firestar like before she died?
  5. What was Spottedclaw?
  6. Who killed Tigerstar?
  7. Who are part of the Prophecy Of Three?
  8. Who is Ivypaw`s mentor?
  9. What did Scourge use to be?
  10. How did Lionheart accidently tell Cinderheart that he had special powers?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Warriors?