How much do you know about W101?

x epic music plays x There are many wizards...but this quiz TRUELY determines if you are a PRO at wizard101! may the odds be ever in your favour..young wizard

x epic music continues x Are YOU a wizard genius? do you have what it takes to master this quiz? Until now you could only ponder about these thoughts! IN A COUPLE OF MINUTES BE PREPARED!

Created by: Sarah
  1. Ok. First of all, What is the Headmaster's name?
  2. Ok..Most of the oldest players will get this. What name would a pet ALWAYS have when dropped?
  3. What species is the Storm Teacher?
  4. This is the last REAL question and it is good. Why does everyother school BUT Storm get a rank 6 spell and storm 5?
  5. Does w101 rock?
  6. bonus questions! :D
  7. what if ninja101
  8. why does ambrose never move
  9. bonus questions almost over :(
  10. next I will do a WHAT WIZ SCHOOL ARE YOU :D kthxbye

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about W101?