How much do you know about undertale?

There are many people who like the Undertale game, but a few true Undertale fans, Fan is, afterall, quite exceptional, What is a fan? A fan is someone Who loves a game, some YouTube stars, singers or other people!

Are YOU an Undertale fan? Do you know about the characters and the story? Until now you can only wonder! But thanks for taking this quiz! Let's Start!

Created by: YUMMYPIE
  1. What's the name of the main character?
  2. Who is the goatmom?
  3. What does Undyne wants to do first?
  4. Who is Papyrus?
  5. Who was the creator of Mettaton?
  6. What relationship have Mettaton and Napstablook?
  7. Asgore wants...
  8. Who was the first monster it met frisk?
  9. Now, pick just the answer with the names of the ghosts.
  10. Photoshop Flowey it's called by fans...

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about undertale?