how much do you know about twilight

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are you a twilight fan?if you are you should take my quiz.i am sure you will get them all right.twilight is about a vampire who meets a human girl and falls in love with her

now that you have a discription of what the topic of my quiz is you should go on and try it.when your done you should tell everyone about the twilight quiz yuo took:)

Created by: lacy of
(your link here more info)
  1. who is the first person who says hi to bella?
  2. what sport do edward,and his family play when there is thunder?
  3. what color were edwards eyes when bella first saw him?
  4. what type of car does edward have?
  5. what is jasper and rosalies last name?
  6. what instrument does edward play?
  7. what color is rosalies hair?
  8. where does jacob live?
  9. what is edward?
  10. where did bella use to live?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about twilight