How much do you know about total drama?

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how much do you know about total drama do you know you know that he knows that she knows that you are or can be the best and get 100 percent doubtful but i hopd you atleast give it a try and fail so i can laugh at you funny stuff funny stuff

now ill use big words like cholera and celestial or psychological psychotherapy apropos apropossuper cala fragilistic expealdoucious any way total drama quiz its 100 or zero the big 0 goose egg nothing loser or 100 supremacy your the best around or the worst around

Created by: isaac
  1. simple. who has placed in the final 5 the most times
  2. simple. combined how many times have izzy and harold been eliminated
  3. simple. how many people have made it to the final four more than once
  4. how many original TDI Cast members made appearences on TDRI
  5. in total TDI TDA TDWT TDRI TDAS TDPI How many campers have their been
  6. the winner has been different in canada and america every season
  7. how many seasons have been boy vs girl in the finals
  8. what does DJ stand for
  9. who was the first kiss in tdi
  10. filler

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about total drama?