how much do you know about Toriko?

There are probably alot of people who read or watch Toriko but i realized there wasnt a quiz so i made one enjoy all toriko fans ope the quiz dosnt suck to much

Have you read Toriko and want to test your knowledege or just plain bored surfing the internet you could take this mhumble bvery easy yest so um yeah bye

Created by: Caitlyn
  1. who are the two main characters?
  2. Who are the four heavenly kings?
  3. Who has a crush on Toriko?
  4. Who wants to form a combo with Komatsu
  5. who forms a combo with Komatsu?
  6. Which of these two are siblings?
  7. what does toriko always say before eating?
  8. Who made Komatsu a new knife after his broke lol so obvious (running out of questions)
  9. what are two items on toriko's menu?
  10. who's name is always getting mistaken?
  11. Who is a chief?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Toriko?