how much do you know about the wings of fire prophecy

how much do you know this is the first prophecy by the way so if your confused about that hehe sorry you are going to do a great job so try your best and be great

this will be fun for some people and not for others and I am sorry if it is not fun I want it to be fun for all and its short very short and hopefully easy be warned there are some spoilers

Created by: Zibra
  1. what is the name of the SeaWing in the prophecy
  2. can the NightWing read minds (his name is Starflight)
  3. what dose the SandWing (Sunny) look weird
  4. what color egg did the MudWing (Clay) each out of
  5. is Glory a RainWing or a SkyWing
  6. who is Peril
  7. dose Glory try to be queen
  8. who is Whirlpool
  9. who is Fatespeaker
  10. who are Burn, Blister and Blaze

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the wings of fire prophecy
