how much do you know about the tv show friends

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. genius is, afterall quite exceptional and i love everybody even if they are not a genius everybody should like everybody and at the least friends.

When you take this quiz you will be, well... AMAZED i hope so i really really really hope you will be AMAZED i just took 1 of the test off this site call name that theme song i truly HATE IT.

Created by: McKinley of
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what color hair does the character JOEY have?
  2. is Ross and Monaca brother and sister?
  3. do all the characters have blonde hair?
  4. did Ross ever date a girl named emily?
  5. Ross has 1 sister is it
  6. is the place all the characters usally are at
  7. did Rachale go to london with Ross and Emily when they were supposed to get married?
  8. is Rachale`s parents divorced?
  9. do Monaca and Ross have the same colored hair?
  10. did Ross ever own a pet monkey?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the tv show friends