How Much Do You Know About The Teen Gang? The Teen Gang Quiz

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The Teen Gang is created by LongHiredGIRL2000!!!! On YouTube, going strong for four years now. But how much do you know about this furry teenage group of heroes with powers? Take this quiz to see if you are real Ganger.

But be warned, if you fail this quiz, that means you're not a real Teen Ganger. So good luck Gangers! May the furry be with you. And don't forget to share this quiz!

Created by: Nzinga Lewis
  1. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it! Who is the leader of The Teen Gang
  2. Who is known the "funny one" of The Teen Gang?
  3. Who got ghost powers first?
  4. Who is know as "the pretty one" of The Teen Gang?
  5. Who is known as "the party girl" of The Teen Gang?
  6. Who was the first Teen Gang member to meet Shadow The Hedgehog?
  7. Who is the last member of The Teen Gang?
  8. Which Teen Gang character said this? "Like I said, don't mess with the Chosen One."
  9. Which Teen Gang ship is number one?
  10. Who is the creator of The Teen Gang?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About The Teen Gang? The Teen Gang Quiz

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