How Much Do You Know About The Music Man?

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The Music Man is a wonderful stage musical and movie, both starring Robert Preston. In the show, Harold Hill is a con man who tricks a small midwestern town into thinking he is a wonderful bandleader, and that the new pool table in their town is bound to cause trouble.

Are you a fan of this marvelous show? Test your knowledge of songs, characters, and other details you will have picked up from seeing this show many times. So, without further ado, test your Music Man knowledge!

Created by: Nant

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  1. What is Marcellus's last name?
  2. In the song, "Wells Fargo Wagon," what is somebody hoping for from Tampa?
  3. What instrument does Harold Hill claim he is going to teach Winthrop to play?
  4. What is the name of Zaneeta's boyfriend?
  5. Why did the town all get together in the high school gym?
  6. Which came first: the movie or the musical?
  7. Who is the man who tries to reveal Harold Hill's scheme?
  8. How are Winthrop and Marian related?
  9. Which of these authors is not one who the Pick-a-Little-Ladies condemn?
  10. What piece does the boys' band play at the end?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About The Music Man?