How much do you know about the Gods

This quiz you are about to take, will make you a genus. I know, it will. If you get 100% right, I know you will be awesome with the greek gods. If not, surf the web.

Do you have the power to handel my genus quiz (not really genus)? I sure hope so. This will challenge your brain, and will make you a genus. Trust me, I know.

Created by: Awesome Somebody

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Zeus is the god of what?
  2. Poseidon is the god of what?
  3. Hades is the god of what?
  4. Athena is the god of what?
  5. Artemis is the god of what?
  6. Artemis is the god of what
  7. Hera is the God of what?
  8. Hermes is the god of what?
  9. Hestia is the Forests of what?
  10. Hephaestus is the god of what?
  11. Apollo is the god of what?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the Gods