How Much Do You Know About Taylor Swift?

Take this quiz to find out if you know all your Taylor Swift trivia. Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? Take this quiz to find out. I hope you get a good score!

If you are a Taylor Swift expert then try this quiz. Do you have the guts to try it? I hope you do! How highly will you score? Have fun!

Created by: cynthia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is taylor swifts lucky number?
  2. How old was Taylor Swift when she became famous?
  3. Finish the song. "I was a dreamer before you went and..."
  4. "Elevator buttons and morning..."
  5. "You just gotta keep your eyes..."
  6. How old was she when she first kissed a boy?
  7. Taylor has really bad...
  8. How old was she when she got a record deal?
  9. True or false Taylor Swift names her guitars?
  10. How much is Taylor Swift worth?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Taylor Swift? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Taylor Swift Quiz category.