how much do you know about ssg

There are many pepole that are on youtube who dont like seven supper girls. And there arw other pepole who havre seen every video that was ever seen on sevsen supper girls and i think that they are a plain geinus. If you want to see if you are one of those geinuses who know everything about seven supper girls thwn take this test.

if you are wanting to see how much you know about seven supper girls then go right on ahead these questions will contain some of the stuff that is the most that i know about seven supper girls so i hope you like this test that is given.see you soon.

Created by: Charisma
  1. What is one true name of the seven supper girls.
  2. Which one of the seven supper girls is from the uk
  3. How many chanels have kaelyn been on.
  4. How many times have the bath specialist shown up in kathren and rachels videos.
  5. Around how many subscribers do the seven supper girls have
  6. Who did the burito chalenge with her brother.
  7. When was sevsen supper girls made
  8. How old was mimi when she first joined seven supper girls.
  9. How many videos have kathren and rachel made
  10. How long has seven supper girls been on youtube

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about ssg