How much do you know about sports?

Lots of people are Know-It-Alls, but only a few REALLY know-it-all....keep trying to find about ALL the stuff you want to know about...Have FUN with the results!!!! I know I will! My bff took it...her results were pretty bad!

Lots of people are Know-It-Alls, but only a few REALLY know-it-all....keep trying to find about ALL the stuff you want to know about...Have FUN with the results!!!! I know I will! My bff took it...her results were pretty bad! Oh well!

Created by: Sarah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who won the Super Bowl of 2007?
  2. What team does Peyton Manning play for?
  3. What is a quarter back?
  4. What is a dugout?
  5. Softball is a REAL sport
  6. What are cleets?
  7. End Zone or In Zone?
  8. Football- Round or not
  9. Babe Ruth: Football player or Baseball player?
  10. Powderpuff or Football

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about sports?