How much do you know about Sonic .exe?

Have you ever wondered "wht do I know about sonic exe". Thanks to my Nintendo dsi, you can know what you know. Dont forget to tell your friends about this awesome quiz.

What do you know?Find out in this quiz all about sonic exe.This took me 9 days to make, so be nice. Dont forget to tell your friends! Please dont be mean.

Created by: Johnathan Romero
  1. What is Sonic .exe crying?
  2. how old is he
  3. who is his side kick
  4. why did he make tails doll
  5. who did he kill first
  6. what is the little number at the bottom of the start
  7. what does he steal from his victums
  8. is he horny
  9. why
  10. is this quiz dumb

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Sonic .exe?