How much do you know about SamAndCat?

Okay... SamAndCat is the BEST show ever... so what do YOU think?... :) I think so because its gud u know? its gud and what doe i mean with gud? GUD!!!

Hello... PLS PLAY MAH QUIZZ!!! And ehhh pwease do it :) NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay okay why did i make this, if nobody plays it??.. ty if u do :)

Created by: SamAndCat Fan :)
  1. Who does NOT live in the house where Sam & Cat live?.. (Pets count)
  2. Who is the most distracted to chicken? 😂✌
  3. How many bots are there at 'Bots' ?...
  4. Who/What does not exist in the TV-show: Sam&Cat
  5. What does Sam not eat?... 🤙🤭😅
  6. Who's name is spelled correctly?
  7. Which year appeared the first episode of Sam&Cat?...
  8. How many seasons are there in Sam&Cat?...
  9. Where CAN'T you watch Sam&Cat on?
  10. How long does a episode of Sam&Cat take?
  11. What is Sam&Cat?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about SamAndCat?

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