How much do you know about random stuff?

Hi welcome to my quiz it is crappy but deal with it!!! And don't mind the terrible quality. I didn't even TRY on this one. Blah Blah Words Words Ha ha

I need to type a lot. Sorry sorry for all of the text :( I just need a break for a bit. Leave me be. This spell checker SUCKS. Y'know? I hate this spell checker.

Created by: grimmchild
  1. What key do toilets flush in?
  2. Are there male ladybugs?
  3. How many ounces are in a pound?
  4. When does SCP-001 "When day breaks" happen (it didn't really happen lol)
  5. Why do dogs lick people?
  6. Why am I making this quiz?
  7. What key do flies buzz in?
  8. What key does alto sax play in
  9. I am grimmchild.
  10. I made this quiz in the 21st century.

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about random stuff?

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