How much do you know about Pokémon?

I love Pokémon, do you? The games are so much fun, and there's so many Pokémon to play and battle with. Anyway, in this little test you can see if you are currently an: beginner, amateur, pro, or master at Pokémon. Anyone can become a master of Pokémon even if you don't know much about it!

Can you guess where you will rank? Let's see if you hit that mark. Don't be depressed if you don't do as good as you expected. Not everyone knows everything, and that is perfectly normal. If you do well and you are proud of what you received, than congratulations! You have earned it and shown that you truely know your Pokémon.

Created by: J
  1. Do watch Pokémon episodes or movies on television?
  2. Do you read about Pokémon?
  3. Do you know how many Pokémon there are?
  4. Do you know how many types of Pokémon there are?
  5. Do you play Pokémon video games?
  6. Are you able to name at least ten to twenty Pokémon?
  7. Do you play Pokémon competitively?
  8. Do you talk about Pokémon a lot or share information about it with others?
  9. Do you know how to train Pokémon or what EVs and IVs are?
  10. Do you know how natures affect a Pokémon's stats?
  11. Do you know what mega evolutions for certain Pokémon are?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Pokémon?