How much do you know about planes part 2

There are many plane enthusiasts, but only a few true aircraft geniuses that knows everything about planes. I don't know everything about planes, but I know enough about planes to make a quiz about it. Are you ready to see if you know all the things I know of planes?

Are you a true plane expert? Can you master my quiz? Find out by taking my quiz, but be sure to take my first quiz before this one, otherwise you won't truly test yourself with my plane quiz.

Created by: Steve

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First of all, did you take part 1 of this quiz?
  2. What do you do if your plane's controls are broken?
  3. What happens when a plane flies too fast?
  4. What happens when a plane flies too slow?
  5. What is a stall?
  6. What happens if a plane leaks oil?
  7. What kind of radiators does a plane have?
  8. Can a plane fly if one of it's wings is broken in half?
  9. Can a plane fly if one of it's wings is completely broken off?
  10. What do you do if your plane's engine catches fire?
  11. What is landing gear?
  12. What is a fuselage?
  13. What happens if a plane lands too hard?
  14. What do you do if my friend Tiaan is the plane's pilot?
  15. How did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about planes part 2