How much do you know about Oomph?

Many people know about the German rock band "Rammstein" but do you know where they got their inspiration from? From another German band that got their name out there in 1992. They are called "Oomph!"

This quiz will testify how much you know of the rock/punk/goth band and strength the limit of your endurance! I'm just kidding, just take the quiz and have fun. Hope your an Oomph fan like me! Ich lieben Oomph! :)

Created by: Sarah and Sam

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where was the band formed?
  2. When did their first Album come out?
  3. "Das sturm trab dich uber die sea." What song is this from?
  4. "Lauf, kind, lauf du schnell du kannest." What is this from?
  5. What is Flux's first name?
  6. When did the Album "Sperm" come out?
  7. What's the name of the lead singer?
  8. What was the music video "Labryinth" based off of?
  9. Who was featured in the "Brenende leibe" music video?
  10. What is the literal translation of "Augen Auf?"
  11. What song did Dero sing in English at the Blackfield concert in 2010?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Oomph?