how much do you know about naruto?

this test or quiz is to test your knowlege of how much you know abount the show naruto and to see if your fit to be hokage and kids under 6 would not understand so.... don't bather

this test or quiz is to test your knowlege of how much you know about the show naruto and to see if your fit to be hokage and when your hokage youll be in power!!!

Created by: nikki
  1. who's the main character?
  2. in naruto shippuden what is the name of sasuke's sword?
  3. what does tsukiomi mean?
  4. who was the first akatsuki to die?
  5. how did itachi die?
  6. how many sommonings are the? note: you may need to go to
  7. tobi is the leader of the akatsuki?
  8. naruto has gone 8 tails before
  9. gaara dies
  10. what happends to the 3 sanin?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about naruto?